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5 Excellent Essential Oils to Help Tackle Anxiety

Anxiety is a feeling characterized by fear and worry. It is normal to experience anxiety from time to time, especially when faced with tough or unknown situations. For example, most of us feel anxious before speaking to a crowd, and big changes such as moving to a new town or starting a new job can certainly be stressful. There are many interventions to handle or manage anxiety, this article explores the ways many people have used essential oils to help manage this condition.Please note however, some people suffer from chronic anxiety. This form is extreme and doesn’t have a clear trigger. If you have unexplained anxiety, you may be suffering from an anxiety disorder. You should seek expert medical attention if your anxiety level is extreme, or if your anxiety that lasts over six months.First, understanding the causes of anxiety.

Top causes of anxiety

Researchers are still looking for the actual cause of anxiety. However, most findings show that it can be caused by a combination of factors. First, some people have a genetic risk factor for anxiety, meaning this kind of predisposition can be hard to avoid. Anxiety is also caused when there is a flaw in brain chemistry. A host of environmental factors or triggers can also cause anxiety. There are many things that you can do to manage anxiety naturally in addition to aromatherapy. Before looking at the top five essential oils for anxiety, let’s take a quick look at some of the simple things that you can do to reduce anxiety in your life.

Healthy daily practices that help with anxiety

Medical and holistic health experts all agree that taking care of your body will definitely contribute to reduced anxiety and stress. You must change bad habits and replace them with healthy ones. Below are some examples of things you should do:

  • If you are a smoker, consider quitting the habit because it can make anxiety worse. In addition, it will put you at a greater risk for other health problems. Look for a program that will help you stop.
  • Alcohol is another major culprit when it comes to making anxiety worse. Medicating with alcohol is likely to put you in a worse situation down the road. Also, consider quitting caffeine for better results. If you are abusing other forms of drugs, your journey to find relief must start with getting clean first.
  • Make sure you get enough sleep. We are living in very hard times and many people do not get enough sleep. Any compromise on sleep quality with certainly make anxiety worse. Therefore, get enough sleep so that you can fully rejuvenate.
  • Physical activity is an excellent and easy way to handle issues of anxiety and stress. If you can’t join a gym, start by walking around your neighborhood. This will get your blood pumping and leave you refreshed and healthy.
  • You cannot tackle anxiety when your diet habits are wrong. Healthy eating is paramount to keep anxiety away. This involves consuming food high in nutrition. Avoid junk food such as sweets, deep fried and baked goods. Eat enough fruits and vegetables and check your food portions. With a good diet, you will balance your hormones and keep excess weight off.
  • Consider meditating for a few minutes every day. This is time spent to reflect and appreciate yourself.

Why use essential oils for anxiety?

It is important to clarify that if you are suffering from a chronic or server anxiety disorder, you must start by consulting your doctor and other qualified professional. Once you have a solid management plan for your anxiety, essential oils can be a great way of supplementing your treatment. If your anxiety disorder is not serious, these oils will help you cope with stress. Incorporating them to your daily routine will provide a holistic approach to wellness and happiness.The good news is that these oils do not come with any major side effects when you use them in the right way. In addition to anxiety management, they will come with other health benefits. For example, on top of relieving anxiety, lavender oil is great for nausea.

How are essential oils administered to relieve anxiety?

essential oils for anxiety inhalation

These oils are extremely versatile and can be used in various ways. First, you can use them as bath oils. A few drops in your bathing water will supply all the needed aroma to help with anxiety. Some people will opt to use these oils for a massage – just mix a few drops with a carrier oil such as virgin coconut oil (VCO). This way, you enjoy the relaxing scents while you remove the tension from your body. This experience is uplifting to say the least.Another method of administering the oil to relieve anxiety is through inhalation. This is done by putting a few drops of the oil on your hands and placing them over your nose after rubbing. A personal diffuser for inhalation can also be used as needed. Finally, many people will diffuse the oils in the air. With a good aromatherapy diffuser, you can change your space into a welcoming haven where the relaxing effects of the oils will gently calm you down.

Which are the best essential oils for anxiety?

There are so many oils that can be used for anxiety and this is the best part. The following is a list of top five essential oils for anxiety – as well as a quick guide on how to use them effectively. But don’t be afraid to try other oils, or even a combination of oils, to see how they work for you. The relationship between our sense of smell, memory and emotion is deeply personal, and whatever works best for you is the right way to go.

Frankincense essential oil

Frankincense comes with a sweet but musky aroma. It is this element that makes it great for tackling anxiety. This oil is derived from resin of the Boswellia tree, native to Somalia in East Africa. Studies have shown that this oil is effective in treating anxiety in people who have anxiety related to pain. It works even better when blended with other essential oils such as bergamot and lavender.How to use• The first method to use the oil is diffusing it. All you need is a few drops. Using it to unwind after a long hard day will work best. Invest in a good diffuser for best results.• Another way to enjoy the anxiety-relieving effects of this oil is to use it in your bath. Just add a few drops of frankincense oil to your bath water, and make sure to take deep breaths as you enjoy a relaxing soak.• You can also make your very own oil blend to use for a relaxing massage. You will need around four teaspoons of carrier oil like coconut oil and four drops of frankincense oil, two drops of lemon oil, and four drops of lavender. This massage blend is explosive and will work effectively to alleviate your anxiety.

Orange essential oil

Orange essential oil is known for its invigorating properties. It is a citrus oil that will give you a mood boost whenever you need it. In fact, studies have found that people on depression medication can greatly reduce their prescription by using this oil regularly. This doesn’t mean that you should take the oil as an alternative, it simply means that it may help you and your doctor slowly wean yourself from antidepressant dependence as you get your condition under control. The energizing aroma of orange essential oil plays a pivotal role in relieving anxiety.

How to use

• Inhalation is one of the most common methods of using orange essential oil for anxiety. This means placing some drops on your hands and inhaling it. You can also inhale the oil directly from the bottle to get that instant energy boost and anxiety relief. Use whenever you need a quick uplifting of your mood. Switching to a citrus body spray that contains orange essential oil can be a great option.

• You can also diffuse the oil into your space as desired using a diffuser. In addition to boosting your mood and tackling anxiety, this oil will inject you with energy and help you concentrate where needed.

• You can also create a massage oil blend using this oil. You will need about three teaspoons of carrier oil. Add two drops of lavender oil and six drops of orange oil. This will be an uplifting and refreshing experience to say the least.

Rose essential oil

essential oils for anxiety roses

We all know the alluring scent of the rose flower. Derived from the petals, rose essential oil is great for anxiety. In fact, some interesting research done in 2014 revealed that pregnant women in labor can use this oil for a foot bath to lower anxiety. Rose has a way of boosting the mood and even promoting a greater sense of self. People suffering with depression can also enjoy the benefits of this essential oil. If you want to go to a serene peaceful place in your mind, this is the ideal oil for you. Stimulate your mind positively to overcome anxiety naturally with rose essential oil.How to use• You can rub some oil directly onto your skin for that quick boost. The most effective places to rub this oil are the neck and wrist. You can use this oil at any time when you need to tap into some positive energy.• You can also inhale from the bottle directly, while some people will place a few drops on their handkerchief or use their hands. Choose whatever is convenient for you.• Use this oil in your diffuser to spread the cheer all over your space. With a good diffuser, use up to three drops and enjoy the calming effect of rose.

Lavender essential oil

Lavender is hands down one of the most popular oils for anxiety. It has both floral and fresh scents that combine to give a unique aroma. It is a potent mood booster and works very well when used directly on the skin. In addition to lifting your mood, this oil will work to reduce insomnia, boost your concentration and leave you feeling calm. In just five minutes after using, you will begin to feel the effects. The oil is rich in linalool and linalyl acetate which are the compounds responsible for its benefits.

How to use

• As mentioned above, inhaling the oil through rubbing onto your palms is very effective. If you are on the go, this is a great way to keep your anxiety problems away. Using two to three drops is enough to give you the desired effect.

• You can also use the oil for massage after blending with other essential oils. Mix four drops of lavender oil with two drops of clove oil, and two drops of lemon essential oil into a carrier oil such as coconut, moringa or jojoba.

The blend will not just tackle your anxiety, your body will fully relax with well moisturized skin. For all your pure and natural aromatherapy products, Utama Spice is the brand for you. Various essential oils and oil blends have been prepared so that you do not have a hard time finding what works. All products are produced using raw and pure materials that are sourced ethically.

Bergamot essential oil

essential oils for anxiety bergamot

Bergamot has a citrus scent because it is derived from bergamot oranges. Recent studies have shown that this oil has a great effect on anxiety while boosting the mood and triggering better blood flow. In fact, some antidepressant medications have this oil as an active ingredient. When you need mental clarity and overall stress and anxiety relief, this is the oil for you.

How to use

• A few drops of the oil can be inhaled using cotton balls or a handkerchief. You can also use your palms. Inhale deeply several times, and enjoy the full effect of bergamot.

• Diffuse several drops to your space and enjoy all the healing merits. You can use this oil both day and night as desired.

• You can also rub the oil directly into your skin. Many use it on their hands, feet and even stomach. However, when you use this oil on the skin, you should avoid direct exposure to sunlight for up to twelve hours. Sunlight can interact with bergamot oil to induce skin irritation and sunburn.

There are many essential oils that can help fight and reduce anxiety. Melissa, Chamomile, Blue Tansy and Lemongrass are all bright, fresh and sweet aromas that can elevate the mood.

Do you have a favorite essential oil to help you reduce stress and anxiety? Please share your experience in the comments below.      

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  1. Essential oils are a wonderful tool that help me calm down when paired with other stress-relief techniques. Natural remedies, such as essential oils, calm the mind and body, alleviating stress and anxiety. One theory of how they work is that by stimulating the smell receptors in your nose, they can send messages to your nervous system.

  2. Well, this is true! I’ve always had this feeling of anxiety and somehow, magically, essential oils help me to be more calm and relaxed. It stimulates my mind and uplifts my mood! I think I’m gonna grab some of those later!

  3. I like to use lavender essential oil to reduce anxiety and stress. I have a diffuser at home and roll-on sticks for when I’m busy in town or on the go.

  4. I never knew that essential oils have so many benefits. This post is really helpful for people suffering from anxiety. Thank you for posting this

  5. This sounds so amazing! I’m sure my mom would love it too. Definitely want to get her some.

  6. I personally suffer from anxiety and it’s so awful. I really don’t want to take medication, so having alternatives like these can be so helpful. Thank you

  7. I’m new to trying my own essential oils and this article is really helpful–thanks!

  8. My daughter-in-law introduced me to the benefits of essential oils. I started at Christmas time and there is so much to learn.

  9. Great information! I would love to know lots more of the benefits to essential oils! I suffer from anxiety and notice it gets worse when I don’t get enough sleep!

  10. I am a beginner at using essential oils. I love many of the scents but had no idea of all the benefits from using them. I suffer from severe anxiety so this artlcle is a blessing for me.

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