woman smelling an orange

Essential Oil Safety – Everything You Need To Know

With the growing popularity of aromatherapy, essential oil safety has come into greater focus. Many essential oils have been scientifically proven to have a host of health benefits. From treating anxiety to deodorizing spaces; these oils are excellent. However, you can only reap the benefits if you use them properly and safely.

Diffusing Essential Oils: Everything You Need to Know to Do It Right
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Diffusing Essential Oils: Everything You Need to Know to Do It Right

If you are at all interested in aromatherapy, then you probably already know what it means to diffuse essential oils. When you diffuse essential oils, you are releasing and dispersing the aromatic molecules into the air. It is an easy way to introduce aromatherapy into your home. Inhaling those essential oils you are diffusing is…

10 ingredients for a chemical free skin care regimen

Top 10 Natural Ingredients for a Chemical-free Skin Care Regimen

The beauty market is filled with a host of skin care products. Every single day, more and more beauty products promising ultimate beauty are being manufactured. In the maze of products, it is hard not to get confused when looking for ideal beauty products. The reality on the other hand is that many of these…