
Yoga and Aromatherapy? Taking Yoga to the Next Level

Yoga is one of the best mindfulness practices you can do. It helps connect your mind, body, and soul with the physical world around you. If you are looking for a way to take your sessions to the next level, consider incorporating aromatherapy into your yoga routine. Aromatherapy yoga can heighten your practice by helping you relax, focus, and stay grounded.

Here are three ways to incorporate aromatherapy into your yoga practice:

Diffusing Essential Oil

Diffusers are a great way to incorporate aromatherapy into your yoga practice. Diffusers disperse the essential oils into the air. This helps support the inhalation of the essential oils while you are focused on breathing during your practice. They can also help create a space where you can truly focus on your practice.

Essential Oils on Your Skin

Applying essential oils to your skin before you start a yoga session will support inhalation, but can also encourage your muscles to relax and reduce strain and tension. We recommend adding a few drops of your favorite essential oil to a carrier oil like virgin coconut oil and applying it to the pulse points on your wrists and neck. You can also use an essential oil-based skin-care product such as our Body Butters or Body Mists if you don’t have time to make your own mixture.

Yoga Mat Spray

If you use Yoga Mat Sprays from Utama Spice, not only will they help keep your mat clean and in good condition by helping to kill off germs and mold, you’ll also get aromatherapy benefits too. We offer three varieties to support relaxation, energy, and mindfulness.

The Best Essential Oils for Aromatherapy Yoga

You can use any essential oil your like to incorporate into your yoga experience, and we encourage you to try out a variety to find out what works best for you. Here are three essential oils we recommend to get you started:

  • Mint – helps promote deep breathing and gives you lots of natural energy.
  • Lavender – is probably the best essential oil to help you relax. It has anti-anxiety and antidepressant properties.
  • Clove: – has been used for centuries in Indonesia, and is one of the most spiritually grounded essential oils. It will help connect your body and spirit, as well as supporting deep breathing.
  • Orange – like mint, orange or other citrus oils will help encourage deep breathing an help keep your mind focused.

Just remember that not all essential oils are made with the same quality. Many of the oils on the market are diluted with neutral carrier oils, so you are paying for less active ingredients. Utama Spice are made from 100% pure plant extracts, so you can be sure that you will always get the full benefits of the oil during your yoga practice.

What are your favorite essential oils for yoga, and do you have any tips for aromatherapy yoga beginners? Please share them in the comments below.

3 ways to incorporate aromatherapy into your yoga routine infographic

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  1. I use lavender at night to get ready for sleep and peppermint to charge me up for exercise like yoga. I’d like to try the citrus scents too. I like a more active yoga practice.


  3. great tips! I am new to aromatherapy and essential oils so I am enjoying reading around your blogs for different ways to incorporate into my life!

  4. I had never thought of adding aromatherapy to my yoga routine. I like the idea of using it on my mat. Thanks!

  5. Lavender is my favorite oil, especially in autumn and winter. In summer I love Mint and Orange more. I also like Patchouli.

  6. I love yoga, I have been doing it for years now and it has changed me, mind, body, and soul.

  7. After a huge dermatitis skin flare up this cold winter, I incorporated every natural medicinal activity I could think of to heal. Yoga stretches benefited my digestive flow and sleeping with lavender in my diffuser has helped me be calm throughout the night & when awakening. I see now that I could be mixing the two together for optimal benefits! Thanks!

  8. Learned two qualities about Lavender that I was unaware of—its antidepressant and anti-anxiety properties.

  9. As I learn more about essential oils, pairing it with yoga makes so much sense.

  10. One other idea: I have a fabric bracelet that I place essential oils on and wear it during yoga. Wonderful!

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