5 Benefits of Burning Incense
For centuries, people have used incense for meditative and spiritual practices. The long history of incense speaks to its incredible power. We love burning incense and believe that there are many amazing benefits to unlock in this practice.
Here are our five favorite benefits of burning incense:
Improves focus
Burning incense is a deliberate practice that sets aside time to really focus on the task at hand. Whether you are working or meditating, incense can help clear your mind and help you focus on the task you are doing.
Stimulates creativity
Incense can trigger your sense memory, helping you connect with moments in your life that inspire you. It can also help you connect with your environment so you can foster the creative energy inside of you.
Increases motivation
Incense can help boost your motivation by heightening your sense of awareness. Channeling the awareness of the world around you can help inspire you to fulfill your ambitions.
Creates space
Creating space is really important when taking time out. Burning incense can help define through its smells as well as the time it takes for the sticks to burn. This helps you connect you to your environment so you can focus on your spiritual growth.
Reduces anxiety
Incense can help to slow your heart rate, improve your breathing, and relaxed tired nerves. Also, taking the time to burn incense in and of itself is a caring practice which can help you feel better no matter what is going on in your life.
Why choose Utama Spice incense?
With so many amazing benefits, you definitely want to make sure that you are choosing the highest quality incense. Many mass produced incense are made with synthetic binding agents and artificial fragrances which are pretty unhealthy and can actually pollute your air, instead of cleansing it. Utama Spice incense contain all natural ingredients, and are hand-made using traditional Indonesian methods.Moonflower: We recommend our Moonflower sticks for daily use. The fresh fragrance can help you keep you energized, focused, and ready to take on any task.Temple Spice: It took us two years to perfect the formula of Temple Spice. These sticks were designed to help aid in meditative practices to connect the mind, body, and soul to the environment around us. We definitely recommend these for anyone looking to be more present.Begone Bug: Containing the same ingredients as our Begone Bug spray, these sticks are perfect for burning during the summer to keep pests out of the home. They are also great for picnics, barbecues or when camping.Why do you like to burn incense? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Wow had no idea burning incense had so many benefits , especially increased motivation . I could use extra motivation sometimes lol.
I’ve always loved burning incense since my college days
Loved reading about all the benefits of burning incense, particularly its ability to stimulate creativity.
I love burning incense and will have to try the Moonflower sticks for energizing daily.
I can vouch for the creativity boost! I always keep these in my studio!
I love burning incense. The smells just calm me.
I haven’t found any incense that doesn’t give me a headache from the smoke. That’s why I use essential oils.
It definitely helps with anxiety !
I use incense all the time to release my anxiety
I never knew it could help reduce anxiety.
i can use this i never know it Reduces anxiety.
I need this, my anxiety is always high
Very Interesting, Thanks!
Thanks for the info thinking about using oils and incense!
Didn’t know it had so many benefits.
I love to burn incense but had no idea it had such wonderful properties.
When I think of incense, I think of my debauchery in the 70s.
I use incense as a method of relaxation. Not only does the scent provoke a feeling of tranquility, but watching the smoke rise and curl allows me to focus, clear my mind, and regulate my breathing.
I love burning incense! Good read!
Good points!
Have always wanted to know about this!
I burn incense all the time. Thanks!
Use to burn incense all the time, started reading this and I am going to start again.
I’ve been burning incense for years
I love incense, just bought some to counteract the odor of neighbors smoking pot! I leave the window open on hot days, hard to stay inside with closed windows then, so I change the chemistry in my space with different scents. I noticed that a lot of Indian insense is in a base of sandal wood. I want things in the air that don’t make my spring allergies worse. I like your site and would enjoy trying your products.
Those are all excellent reasons for burning incense. I like burning incense while I meditate. It helps me calm down and focus.
I have been burning incense since I was about 14 years old. I currently have at least 3 dozen different scents. As soon as I get through some of those, I would definitely like to try the Moonflower and Temple Spice.
Love the aroma of burning essence and it does make life peaceful.
It has been a while since I have burned incense but after reading this article, I may need to go out and get some!
I enjoy your blogs. Thank you
I love incense!
This probably smells great!
Love burning incense!
I love incense & burning one to keep bugs away even better (Begone Bug)
I’ve always loved burning incense and always try to incurage my friends to do the same!
I had no idea this reduced anxiety good to know.
I love incense!! I enjoy finding new scents I haven’t tried before. At the end of the day, I like to burn it, dim the lights, and relax with a bottle of wine.
It makes complete sense to use incense (no pun intended) instead of harmful chemicals for outdoor use!
I love burning incense, the aroma is most calming.
I need the benefit of “Reducing Anxiety” since in my profession I am under stress daily which results in an incredible feeling of anxiety on my part.
I know that I am an old hippie, and I have been burning incense all of my adult years. I have never really read all the benefits of incense before this blog. Thank you for the interesting information. And thank you for the generous giveaway. I sure hope I win.
I’ll try those Begone Bug incense for my patio. I usually use coils that I get in Europe but I know they are nasty.
I really enjoy burning incense, but I did not know all the benefits of it’s use. Thanks for the article!
I use incense mainly for the scent but I didn’t know that your incense could be so much more.
I heart me some Incense
I love burning incense because it’s aroma is calming and brings back memories of camping as a child.
I LOVE the effect of oils!!
Good to know, I like the smell
Even though I do not do it often I do enjoy burning incense. 🙂
I never knew all of this about incense!
I burn them because I love the scents and also to make home smell better. My mother burns sage instead of incense but she also has a diffuser and a burner that melts squares. I would love to try your incense’s they sound good. I knew that they were used for different reasons. I try and burn them at least 3 times a week. I also got my 13 yr old niece into them so whenever she is here she asks to burn them.
Great that you use only natural ingredients in your products. Most everyone can use an easy stress reducer like burning incense.
Now I know the benefits of incense. Thanks.