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Get the Most Out of Bath-time

Nothing feels quite as good as a hot bath after a long, stressful day. For centuries, hot baths have been known to calm the nerves, soothe muscles and joints, and give the bather a general sense of well-being.

Present-day research shows that soaking in a hot bath can help a person sleep deeper and more soundly at night.

Creating the Perfect Bath

A beneficial bath takes some time, so prepare in advance. All you really need is a bathtub, but by including a few special items, such as candles and natural incense, you can enjoy all of the benefits of a relaxing bath at home.

Keep lighting low

When the lights are low, it’s easier to find your center of peace. Light a few candles and place them around the bathroom and tub. Just be sure to set them far enough away to avoid burns and keep them away from flammable objects.

Listen to music

Find music that relaxes you the most, whether its smooth jazz or Justin Timberlake, whatever helps you relax is best. Keep electronics far from the tub for safety and keep the volume at a low level.

Keep it quiet

If you live alone, leave your devices in another room to avoid distractions. If there are others in your home, let them know that you are out of commission for a while and should only be bothered in a real emergency. You might consider putting a do-not-disturb sign on your door as well.

Light natural incense

Natural incense is the perfect way to bring a relaxing scent into the bath that can calm the nerves and soothe the soul. Look for those that include pure essential oils and use natural herbs and spices, such as Moonflower Incense Sticks.

Have a drink

Although you are surrounded by water, baths can be dehydrating. Bring something to drink such as ice water with a slice of lemon or cucumber.

Support your back and neck

Once you’re in the bathtub, you’ll want to lean back and chill for a while. The back of the tub can be hard on the head, so use a rolled-up towel behind you for comfort. Or, invest in a good bath pillow.

Butter your body

After your bath has ended and you’re all dried off, smooth on a luxurious body butter to moisturize your skin and add a hint of fragrance. Lavender or rose body butter can help relax and encourage sweet dreams, while lemongrass can boost energy levels for the rest of the day. The bath may be gone, but the effects will linger.

A bath can be as relaxing as you want it to be.  By incorporating a few of these ideas, you are sure to come out clean and rejuvenated.

get the most out of bath-time infographic

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  1. I adore baths and find they help me relax better than anything else. I really love the tips here and plan to try them all.

  2. I love a nice relaxing bath, I also have to wet my hair to relax though as otherwise I get hot and itchy.

  3. I take baths a lot and as soon as I get out after using Lush bath bombs i love to put body lotion on all over.

  4. I love baths, I often feel like I’m leaving the days stress behind, Lemongrass ginger body butter is my fave.

  5. Music helps me relax so much while bathing. I love long baths with soft music and candles

  6. the perfect bath sounds divine especially at 8 months pregnant. will defo be bringing in some ice water with lemon next time.

  7. I am headed now to get my time out. a little candle light, a little lavender scent and a glass of wine.

  8. So wish I could use these tips, but we redid our bathroom and eliminated the bath to expand the shower!

  9. We finally got the tub fixed where I can take a nice sit down bath. Thank you for all of the suggestions!

  10. I like adding flower petals especially roses to give my soaking bath a nice scent.

  11. Nothing beats a Bali bath, but the next best thing is having the Utama Spice incense and the cocoa butter to transport me quickly back to the peace and tranquility of Bali. Great tips here

  12. It sounds wonderful. I know I would have a relaxing sleep after a bath like this.

  13. I LOVE taking a bath and when I am super stressed a bath can really help. All the suggestions in this post I follow. Thanks for posting this

  14. I don’t understand why it matters that the ultrasonic oil diffuser is diluted in water (I’m a disabled chemist with a brain injury so may be over thinking it but am also an air head with very little real world knowledge

    1. Some people feel the oil is less potent or strong if it has been diluted. Also if you are already in a humid environment you may want to avoid adding more moisture into the air. In these cases a nebulizing diffuser that only sprays the essential oils is better.

  15. I miss relaxing baths. Our tub is so uncomfortable, and cold in winter, so I don’t linger long. Insense is awful though, might as well just suggest lighting up a cigar to puff on, or a joint to relax.

  16. This has reminded me of how relaxing a bath can be. Might have to light some candles and relax tonight. Haven’t done that in a long time.

  17. I love to take nice hot baths with bath bombs or bath oils right before I go to bed. I not only feel good but smell good as well.

  18. I shared this on facebook. I love the tips–some common sense–but others I didn’t think about before reading your post.

  19. One of my stipulations while looking for a new house, was a great big bathtub to relax in! And I got it!!

  20. I love bathes and incorporate many of these ideas but hadn’t thought of buttering my body. Great idea

  21. i definitely need something for my head when im in bathtub. just when i start to enjoj warm water, my head starts to hurt 🙁

  22. I enjoy baths, but dont get a chance to take them often. Nice to know there are so many more ways to relax in a tub.

  23. My dream is to have a nice, big bathtub one day! 🙂 I could definitely use some essential oils in my kids baths though!

  24. I absolutely love taking long baths with aromatherapy, I use lavender before bed and sleep like a baby!

  25. Since I don’t have a bath at home, I value any ideas to make bath time, the best time, when I travel for work. Just bookmarked this to review.

  26. I’m trying the music idea my next bath time, as it sounds more relaxing. Body butter afterwards is a must when your skin is dry like mine. I try to keep the water tepid and not too hot that it dries out my skin.

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