5 things you wont believe are in your beauty products

5 Things You Won’t Believe Are in Your Beauty Products

Some of the ingredients used in beauty products, particularly the personal care varieties, are quite simply shocking. According to a recent study, 1 in every 8 of the 82,000 different ingredients utilized in these given products in the US are industrial chemicals. This includes some that have been proven to be carcinogenic, pesticides, reproductive toxins…

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Make these DIY bath bombs To get over holiday stress

The holidays never fail to ignite a jubilant mood. This heartwarming season is both cheerful and challenging. From shopping to partying and all the cooking, getting worn out becomes imminent. After a long year, you want to wind down and enjoy the festivities with minimal stress. To this effect, you must look after your welfare…

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Fragrance in beauty products – is your nose being deceived?

According to the FDA’s definition, fragrance is a blend of chemicals, which gives every single perfume, cologne along with other beauty products, their unique scent. Fragrance is often present in personal care products like sunscreens, shampoos, soaps, deodorants, body lotions, makeup and so on. The exact ingredients, which are utilized to formulate fragrance, also commonly…

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Make Your Own Chemical-free Antiseptic Soap at Home

A huge chunk of people in our modern societies are now embracing natural living. This is a leaning towards the use of more natural health and beauty products. It is also about using environmentally friendly household cleaning and body products for better health. Antiseptic or antibacterial soap is mainly used to keep our bodies free…

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High Quality Natural Skin Care Products Under $20!

You cannot talk about beauty without mentioning skin care. In fact, the state of your skin determines beauty overall. More people are coming to terms with the fact that natural skin care is the best. This involves using products derived from nature; products made without synthetic additives or ingredients, such as those developed by Utama…

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Essential Oils: Drawing the Line Between Hype and Health

In the recent years, essential oils have gained a lot of popularity. This is partly because of aggressive selling through models like multi-level marketing. Indeed, some of the leading brand names in essential oils have been put on the spot for various controversies and have – it can be argued – given essential oils the…