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Incense: An Ancient Aromatherapy Tool That is Still Relevant Today

If you are new to incense, it is a term used to refer to aromatic natural materials that are burned to release fragrant smoke. Incense is made from a range of herbs, spices and plant resins, that varies by culture and tradition. Burning incense has great benefits ranging from health to spiritual and cultural effects.

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The Seven Best Uses For Natural Body Butter

If you’re looking to shift away from using chemical-laden products on your skin, one of the most natural products that you can start using is body butter. Body butter is a 100% natural product that’s incredibly versatile. Because it’s natural, body butter is a safe alternative to numerous products that you currently use as part…

Five Ways To Make Your Personal Training Studio Stand Out

Five Ways To Make Your Personal Training Studio Stand Out

If you are someone who trains clients, you should consider upgrading your personal training studio. A studio that stands out could reap numerous benefits for personal trainers. Fortunately, with just a few quick and affordable changes, you can instantly turn your personal training studio into one that “Wows” your clients. Below, we’ve included five of…

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How Yoga Mat Spray Can Keep Your Practice Sharp

Working up a good sweat during a yoga session can be refreshing, but the yoga mat you’re using may have some uninvited guests on its surface. To be confident that you’re not getting germs on your hands, forehead and other parts of your body while performing each pose, you need a yoga mat spray. At Utama Spice, we understand that…

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Why You Should Make Coconut Oil Your Go-To Moisturizer

Numerous scientific studies continue to uphold what many have known for generations – that coconut oil is amazing for your skin and body. For centuries, coconut oil has been used for an array of purposes. In addition to cooking, one of the most prominent uses of coconut oil is beauty and moisturizing. Coconut oil is…

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A Beginner’s Guide For Women Looking To Use Essential Oils

Although essential oils and aromatherapy have been around for years, the market has begun to explode as more and more people have started turning to alternative forms of medicine to solve their health problems. Many women have begun recognizing the numerous benefits that pure essential oils can offer. Below, we provide an overview of the…

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4 Reasons You Should Be Using Face Serum

Soft, sexy, and youthful skin bursts with hydration and nutrients. While a day cream can seal moisture onto your skin’s surface, you need another solution that can deeply nourish your skin to make it more supple. This secret step occurs right after you wash your face and put on your topical moisturizer— applying an oil-based face serum.