Why Choose All-natural Cosmetic Products
There’s a lot of talk today about organic and all-natural products. Organic foods and clean eating are often the first things people think of when going all-natural, but there are plenty of other natural products on the market today.
Clothing, household cleaners, and beauty products are other areas where making the switch to natural can reap amazing benefits to your health and well-being.
You might not think that switching to natural cosmetic products can have much of an impact, but when it comes to the good health of your body, they really can make a difference.
Are bad chemicals lurking in your beauty products?
Anything that you apply to your skin can get absorbed into the deeper layers and into your bloodstream. This is troublesome when you consider that there are several ingredients that can can cause skin irritation or major problems with the endocrine (hormone) system. Start reading labels and check for these ingredients that should be avoided:
- Propylene glycol – the same ingredient in anti-freeze, is used to keep cosmetics soft at room temperatures
- Formaldehyde – a preservative, added so that cosmetics can sit in storage for years, increasing profits for manufacturers
- Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and Sodium laureth sulfate (SLES) – inexpensive foaming agents often used in soaps and even toothpaste
- Triloscan – a synthetically produced anti-microbial
- Phthalates – commonly used solvent in fragrances
- Synthetic colors and fragrances – usually the main cause of irritation and allergic reactions. Sensitivities can build up due to repeated exposure
All-natural cosmetic products are free from these additives and other ingredients that can cause skin irritation and put the body at risk from other complications. The best reason to use pure, natural ingredients is for the safety of your body, brain, and blood.
Healthy living means more than just hitting the gym and eating clean. It means avoiding synthetic products and using those that are kinder to you and to the planet. Botanical and natural beauty products are another step along the path to living well and being healthier.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYNRPDSW9aE[/embedyt]
Made me think more things I took for granted-that all products in cosmetics would be good for you
Like many other people I know, I was never concerned with the ingredients I was putting on my face. Only recently have I been seriously paying attention. I read the labels now and I won’t purchase makeup that has anything but natural ingredients.
I am grateful to the companies who have showed concern by changing their way of manufacturing their products.
Thank you.
Very Interesting Thanks for the info
Interesting article I’ll share with my partner
The bad chemicals that are lurking in non organic cosmetic products worries me the most.
As a mother of 3 i want to be able to trust the brands i use with my little ones. Their skin and health is very important to me, so we try our best to read the ingredients on every label before purchasing.
Thank you for the information, it was very interesting
Good to know. Interesting information.
This is just what I was looking for. THank you!
Thanks for the info!
Would love to try this!
I am trying to use only all-natural cosmetic products
I threw away a lot of my old cosmetics and am vowing to just buy natural-made skin care items now.
I choose natural products for health reasons.
Great information. Thank you for the eye opener when it comes to buying beauty products or cosmetics for our bodies.
I love natural products. It is better for me and the environment.
I love natural products because it’s better for family’s
good article – it’s so worth it to find products that are made with natural ingredients.
Wow. That is definitely good to know and very interesting.
Didn’t realize all those chemicals were in cosmetics. Thanks for the tips!
This is good information. I will definitely use it when buying cosmetics and skincare.
Thank you for sharing always good to know everything possible when it comes to your health and others
Our health is our greatest gift, so important we take care of it.
Already doing the organic foods, time to switch out the cleaning products.
great news
All natural is always a good thing. So nice to have options to not be forced to use so many chemicals.
This is something my wife would be interested in
I recently moved into a new place and broke out in hives from head to toe that lasted a week and were extremely itchy. I have a feeling they used a chemical of some sort that caused my hives when they cleaned the house.
It’s amazing how many “wonderful new chemicals” (triclosan, glyphosate, DDT) are approved for use, but turns out we’re all used as guinea pigs.
Interesting article, really emphasizes the benefits of natural vs man made.
I am always down for natural products and use them whenever possible. I look for cosmetics and toiletries that are natural or organic.
This is great!I have been looking into more natural cosmetics and this is great!
I can smell the delicious aromas just thinking of this!
Love that they are All-natural cosmetic products free from the additives and ingredients that often cause skin isssues🌱
We put all those chemicals on our skin to stay young looking but we wouldn’t dream of eating or drinking those chemicals. Go natural .
My friend loves essential oils and tries to get me in on it. Thank you for the info.
Great info here!
Great info, I am trying to switch over to natural products as much as possible
I need to pay closer attention to what I put on and in my body — never too late to change.
Thanks in advance for your tips!
I need to start using only natural products.
I think “all natural” products are a great option for some people. But if you have a medically-determined skin condition you may need to be careful, and may have to use a prescribed man-made treatment.
Would love to try, never really thought about the harm it could do
better for your skin if it’s sensitive
Interesting info. Thank you for sharing it.
Great information! Love this!
Natural is almost always better!
I have always tried to use all natural products, but two of the ones I like best are not.
You don’t know what is in cosmetics unless you actually read and understand what the ingredients are – NATURAL ingredients are easy, and you don’t have to ask a Chemical Engineer what this is! Go NATURAL.
I don’t wear a lot of makeup due the skin irritation that it causes. I need to check into natural makeup now.
I’ve been increasingly concerned about my cleaning products and cosmetics but it seems difficult to make a complete switch when it comes to make up. Natural seems to either come at a hefty price or not work very well… Or both.
ty for information
I have been trying to switch over to all natural products, but the prices are high and I live on SS.
Great information thanks for sharing
I wish they had more options for men with natural products!
Great information!!Ty
Good read! Thanks.
Thank you for all the information.
Omg wow, this really made me think about what I am applying to my face and body everyday and how bad it is for me. I have thought about going all natural for awhile now and after reading this I def am! Thank you for this article.
Glad that more information is coming out about the ingredients in beauty products
Great information I use all natural makeup cause I also have Celiac disease and for me if there is any wheat products in the makeup I break out with such a rash.
Eye opening information!
Good to know! Thanks!
I started reading labels a couple of years ago. It’s such a shame that we have to pay so much money for cosmetics with natural ingredients!
Absolutely love essential oils, these look so good!
You know I actually started to see my face not get red after switching to all natural products so I believe it !
informative and makes you think twice before purchasing skin care! Read the ingredients and become mindful.
wow nice
Trying to eliminate as much chemical from my life
There are some amazing companies working tirelessly to make healthy beauty products that arent toxic. I was just telling my partner I needed to revamp by makeup collection because its old and not healthy anymore.
I enjoyed reading your blog. Thanks for sharing this valuable information.
What’s wrong with having an antimicrobial ingredient in products? It’s there to keep items from spoiling so we don’t get sick or die!
Many of the artificial anti-microbials and preservatives are added to prolong shelf-life, so manufactures and retailers can keep products in storage for years after manufacturing to increase profits.
If you use natural ingredients that already have natural anti-microbial properties (e.g. coconut oil rather than cheep synthetic oils) then these additives are not needed.
The question is do you want to put a natural plant-based oil on your skin, versus a synthetic oil than needs added chemicals to stay safe longer. This needs to be a personal decision, since there is lots of conflicting evidence and opinion on whether these are equal options in terms of safety and results. But we strongly and absolutely believe the natural option is the better one.
Nice article,enjoyed reading it.
I definitely feel more comfortable with natural bath and beauty products
very good info thank you
Can’t wait to try this!
Because you know exactly what your putting on your face.
I love that they’re free from additives
Very interesting!! Lots of info I didn’t know. Thanks!
Very helpful, thank you
Natural is good
Sounds like its worth a try
great info ty.
We are concerned about the chemicals in makeup. Natural makeup sounds great.
I love using all natural cleaning products! I try to stay away from too many chemicals.
Love all natural!
Now that I’m more informed on what to watch out for on ingredient lists, I’m appalled at the amount of crap I’ve been putting on my skin!