How To Get Rid Of “Maskne”
When COVID-19 broke out internationally in 2020, governments advised everyone to wear masks. Suddenly, masks became a daily accessory, and not something you wear when you are sick in a hospital. If you have been diligently following World Health Organization’s orders to wear masks in public, you may have noticed your skin developing breakouts after.
This has been called “maskne.” Let us talk more about maskne and how you can prevent it.

What Is “Maskne”?
Maskne is a term used to refer to skin conditions borne out of wearing a mask. These skin conditions may be one or a combination of pimples or acne, contact dermatitis, folliculitis, and rosacea.
How does wearing masks cause maskne? There are various possible ways masks cause maskne:
- The friction between the mask and your skin causes inflammation and irritation could break down the skin’s barriers.
- Oil and dead skin cells may also build up under your mask, causing clogged pores that lead to white heads and blackheads.
- Those who already have acne may find their condition worsen after wearing a mask. This is because the warm and moist environment under the mask allows bacteria thrive, leading to more acne.
- In addition to these, your acne may be worsening due to the stress caused by the seemingly never-ending pandemic.
Maskne-Fighting Skincare Routine
With all the concern and panic regarding the pandemic, it is not surprising that most, if not all, people already have some form of maskne. Try out this skincare routine to get rid of maskne.
Wash Your Face With Pore Cleansing Facial Wash With Clay
In addition to washing your face in the morning and at night, you may also want to consider washing your face after wearing a mask. This will remove any built-up dirt, oil, and dead skin cells on your skin, and therefore minimize breakouts. This facial wash is gentle so it will remove dirt without stripping your face of its natural oils. However, don’t wash your face more than necessary as that will aggravate your acne.
Don’t Skip The Toner
Toners remove any dirt or dead skin left behind by the facial wash. This ensures that there are no impurities left in your pores that may turn into maskne later on. The Witch Hazel Toner also serves as a natural anti-inflammatory to soothe acne. This toner preps the skin for better moisture absorption and retention.

Use An Acne-Busting Serum
Fight existing acne and prevent more from erupting in the future with Utama Spice’s Acne Day Serum and Acne Night Serum. These two serums will help fight different types of maskne so you can achieve clear, glowing skin.
Spot Treat Pimples With Acne Treatment Oil
Spot treatments are concentrated serums meant to target individual pimples. Spot treatments work by killing the bacteria, soothing the inflammation, and then drying out the sebum in pimples. So, if you find one or two pimples after using a mask, apply Acne Treatment Oil right away to nip them in the bud.
Take note, however, not to apply spot treatment before you use a mask because they may cause further irritation when rubbed against the mask. It is best to use spot treatment at night or when you’re not stepping out.
Add A Protective Layer Of Moisturizer
A good moisturizer will keep your face hydrated without making it oily. This is a good way to prevent acne in general. However, a thick moisturizer may also serve as a protective barrier for your skin so that it doesn’t get irritated when it rubs against your mask. The Cocoa Love Body Butter is gentle enough to be used as face moisturizer. This body butter will protect and hydrate your skin, as well as heal scars and correct uneven tones.
Scrub Your Face With Green Leaf Face Scrub
Use a detoxifying mask once a week to rid your pores of deep-seated dirt. This is an important aspect of skincare for treating and avoiding maskne. The Green Leaf Face Scrub contains guava and jackfruit leaves that will not only help remove dirt, but will also help reduce the appearance of blemishes.

Use A Clay Mask
If you have oily skin, using the Face and Body Clay Mask will help manage and prevent maskne. This clay mask is made with Volcano Clay Powder that draws out dirt and other impurities, while also absorbing excess sebum. This clay mask prevents clogged pores and acne, and will make sure your skin is glowing.
Additional Ways To Prevent “Maskne”
Avoid Touching Your Face
Hopefully, you are truly not touching your face when you are outside your home. This tip refers to when you are inside your home. It is hard not to pick at blackheads, white heads, pimples, and other bumps you find on your face. But you need to try hard not to touch them. Touching and picking on your maskne will only aggravate the inflammation.
Use A Clean Mask
One possible culprit is if you reuse your mask. Sweat, dirt, and oil from your previous uses build up and irritate your skin, causing maskne. Reusing your mask is a big no-no because it causes maskne and, more importantly, it is not safe. If you are using a disposable surgical mask, throw those away after one use; if you are using a cloth or reusable mask, wash them after each use.

Skip The Make-Up
If you use make-up under your mask, you may want to consider skipping this for now. Foundation, concealers, and even blush can clog your pores. The oil these products contain add to the oil that builds up in your pores while you wear your mask. So, if possible, avoid make-up for now.
Keeping Maskne Out
While health remains our primary objective, it is also important to take care of our skin. Do not let maskne fester, and follow these tips for getting rid of maskne and preventing it from coming back. With all-natural skincare products from Utama Spice, you can keep your skin smooth and glowing even under your mask.
interesting, I’m glad that I did not have this problem.
oh, wow ! Ive never seen an article about this! This is great !
Thankfully I didn’t have to wear a mask for long periods so I didn’t run into this issue.
I found the products recommended to help with maskne very appealing. I am considering ordering the Pore Cleansing Facial Wash with Clay for my teenage sons. They struggled with maskne.
Yep been struggling with this issue
Great article
Thanks for this post, really helpful.
These are some great tips! I suffer from severe acne and wearing a mask has definitely made it worse. I’ll have to incorporate some of these tips into my daily skincare regime!
These are great tips! I’m glad that I did not have this problem.
I never considered the possible effects of wearing a mask…it is too new a routine…(maskne)
But the possible effects of it are really scary…thanks for the tips
Thank you so much for this. I have bad maskne from having to wear one at work for 8 to 10 hrs at a time so going to try these tips .
I don’t have a problem with “maskne”, but this would be helpful for those that do, thanks for this info.
These are excellent product for your skin and the correct skin care products that you have to definitely make your skin look better and can make you feel more comfortable in the mask you have to wear.
Ew yuck!
Wearing a mask is important, but it can be sometimes difficult and uncomfortable, so this is good information.
Thank you for all the helpful tips.
This is good to know. Luckily I never experienced this condition, but I’m sure essential workers did.
Yeah, I have had some break outs.
Didn’t have that big a problem with breakouts, and when I did, I think it was just because my washable masks were nearing the end of their lifespan and needed to be replaced.
This is great information as I did suffer some skin issues when wearing a mask. I will need to check out that acne treatment oil that you recommended!
What a cute name for such a unique problem. Thanks for posting!
Never heard of maskne before reading this article, but automatically knew what you were referring to. Thanks for the tips!
I never hear of maskne. This was very useful. Thank you
This is a very helpful information! Thank you for the reminder that using a clean mask makes a difference.
Maskne? That’s kind of funny. Seriously though, covering up blemishes and such was one of the only good things I liked about wearing masks.
This is very important and useful information thank you for sharing.
I need to get some clay to wash my face with! Thank you!
I had never heard this term before this time.
So helpful!
Such helpful tips! I feel so lucky to finally be fully vaccinated and live in a state that lifted the mandates for fully vaxed people. The best solution for maskne is a shot in the arm and no more masks! Woohoo!
My daughter is getting maskne as she has to wear it for work over 16 hour days so this is great information.
Found the blog – thanks for the info ! 💜
Iam lucky i do not suffer from this i use a cloth mask instead of paper . but if i do eventually get this i know where to look for remedies thanks <3
thanks for the great tips!
Thank you! My daughter is dealing with this problem. Great informative read that we will use.
helpful info
This was a great article with some really good advice on how to combat this new issue we face.
the greenleaf face scrub sounds good. i’ve started breaking out even around the mask loops
Good information. I like Witch Hazel Toner.
i have been so blessed most of my life with having no acne but the mask wearing sure has made that a problem for me. great tips!
The information is very useful for people who have this condition.
Good to know. Fortunately, I haven’t had this problem but if it happens I’ll know how to treat it.
Glad I did not experience this.
Has not been a problem
Good to know
No masks for me. Not even for Halloween. Wasn’t born with a mask and will die without one.
I did not personally have this problem but several of my coworkers did. Happy to pass on the message.
I’m still spending most of my time at home so not wearing a mask. I can see that people who have to wear one for long periods could have these problems.
Im fully vaccinated and luckily don’t wear a mask to much anymore.
Truly helpful info for alot of people.
I am so lucky to not suffer with acne , I am prone to spots now and again so its useful information thankyou
I haven’t experienced the problem but the information is very useful.
Some very good tips are posted here. Very helpful
Interesting to know, thanks
thanks for the info
This is truly information everyone can use right about now. Thank u so much
I was very lucky, I only had to wear a mask when I went to a store because I work alone.
these are good tips
I’m fortunate to not have this problem. I do wash my mask every use.