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How To Replenish Dry, Winter-Damaged Skin

Does your skin become dry, rough, and flaky during the winter months? Experiencing changes in your skin during the seasons is only natural as your skin responds to the environment. During the winter season, you will need to adjust your skincare routine as well. Implement these steps to your skin to restore dry, winter-damaged skin.

Signs You Have Winter-Damaged Skin?

The winter season is extremely drying because of the colder air and low humidity levels. All these could suck out the moisture from your skin, leaving it dry or dehydrated. However, there is a difference between dehydrated skin caused by the cold weather and dry skin. Here are the signs that you have winter-damaged skin:

  • Flakiness
  • Rough texture
  • Redness
  • Itchiness
  • Cracks
  • Irritated skin
  • Stinging or burning sensations

Winter-damaged skin does not only affect your face. It could also affect the skin in your arms and legs, which are often neglected. So, don’t forget to check all parts of your body for signs of winter damage.

close up on micro level showing dry cracked skin

How To Restore Dry, Winter-Damaged Skin

You don’t have to suffer from dry, winter-damaged skin every winter. By making these easy changes to your usual skincare routine will restore and maintain your skin’s healthy glow throughout winter.

Moisturize Multiple Times A Day With A Thick Moisturizer

If you use a lightweight moisturizer during the spring, summer, and fall, that may not be enough to replenish lost moisture in your skin during the winter. A thicker moisturizer and a body balm or body butter are better suited for the colder months. These types of moisturizers usually take longer to absorb so they tend to keep your skin moisturized longer.

Additionally, instead of only applying moisturizer in the morning and evening, do it as well during the middle of the day. For this, you may opt for a lighter but moisturizing coconut lotion to supplement your thicker moisturizers. This will help keep your skin moisturized throughout the day.

Use Products With Occlusive Ingredients

When choosing a skincare product to incorporate into your winter routine, an excellent choice are products made with occlusive ingredients. Occlusive ingredients not only moisturize your skin but also serve as a physical barrier that locks in moisture in your skin.

Look for the following:

Moisturize All Over Your Body

woman with itchy dry skin

Pay attention to which parts of your body you apply moisturizer to. Are you sure you’re applying to every part of your body? Don’t forget to moisturize your feet, legs, and torso as well when you put on lotion. Another part of your body that you should not forget to moisturize is your lips. Use a lip balm throughout the day to keep your lips from chapping. These parts of your body can get dehydrated as well when neglected.

A bonus tip: keep your moisturizer in the bathroom so you can apply lotion right after your showers. This will not only encourage you to apply lotion to every part of your body but also allow your skin to absorb the moisture and nutrients better since your pores are still open from the shower.

Stop Taking Long Hot Showers

Taking showers in the winter is always a struggle. It’s always too cold, making the hot water welcoming. However, extremely hot showers, especially if you take long showers, may be aggravating your dehydrated skin. Excessive exposure to hot water causes the skin to lose its natural hydration.

Aside from limiting hot showers, avoid using soaps that are dehydrating to the skin. Opt for moisturizing body soaps instead.

Exfoliate In Moderation

Exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells, which helps facilitate the production of collagen. This helps the skin look smoother and brighter. During the winter, when your skin is dry and flaky, exfoliation will help remove the dead skin cells. Without these dead skin cells, your live skin cells will be able to absorb all the moisture they need.

However, as much as it can help your skin recover from dehydration, exfoliation could also aggravate dry skin. Excessive exfoliation can further dehydrate your skin and even cause irritation. So, it is best to do this step in moderation, specifically no more than once a week.

Furthermore, do not use abrasive exfoliators as they can have a similar effect as excessive exfoliation. The Temu-Temu Face Mask or the Face And Body Clay both provide gentle and moisturizing exfoliation that’s perfect for winter-damaged skin.

Use A Humidifier

Part of the reason winter is extremely dehydrating is due to low humidity levels that is further exacerbated by indoor heating. Aside from face and body moisturizers, make it a point to maintain a healthy level of humidity in your home or office. You could also add a few drops of essential oils into your Sonoma Diffuser to benefit from their moisturizing or anti-aging effects while also making your home smell fresh.

Hydrate From Within

Don’t forget that what you eat and drink also affects your skin. Make sure that you are properly hydrated. Try to drink more than you usually do or at least aim for 8 glasses, and make sure to drink more water than other types of colored drinks. Eating food such as those with high fatty acids and healthy fats could also help keep your skin moisturized from within. Think of fatty fish, avocadoes, sweet potatoes, and walnuts.

Don’t Skip Sunscreen

Although we get less sunlight during the winter, it does not mean that there will be less UV light. The sun’s light can still cause damage to your skin. Specifically, UV light causes stress on the skin’s moisture barrier, making the skin prone to dehydration. This is in addition to it causing premature aging. All your effort at moisturizing your skin will be in vain if you do not protect your skin from the sun. So, even if it’s winter, do not skip sunscreen to protect your skin from the harsh effects of UV light.

Utama Spice 100% Natural Face Serum

Check out more skincare products at Utama Spice.

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  1. Very informative article. My skin gets so dry during the winter months and I plan to try some of these helpful tips.

  2. I try to use a natural, essential oil-infused lotion right after a shower so my skin will lock in the moisture. I can tell a difference when I apply it immediately. And jojoba oil seems to be the best in my experience!

  3. Thank you for the tips. I really have had a bad drying issue this winter. I am going to try these.

  4. My skin is normally dry and winter is the worst. From this info I have not been mositering enough

  5. I need this advice! It’s so hard not to take long hot showers in winter though, I am always cold.

  6. also almond oil, used frequently by massage therapists because its neutral odor and effective. You only need a little to make a difference.

  7. My skin gets so dry during the winter months. While I do use a moisturizer every day I forget to use a sunscreen.

  8. Great tips! I already do the majority of these and I even moisturize almost everyday. I noticed that using oils also really helps with my wrinkles!

  9. I use vasoline right after a shower, it’s greasy and smelly, but it works! I always try to follow up with shea butter.

  10. As I get older, I find my skin is much dryer in the wintertime! Some good advice was offered in this post.

  11. I live in Houston where it’s rarely low humidity so luckily this isn’t an issue.

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