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Make Your Own Chemical-free Antiseptic Soap at Home

A huge chunk of people in our modern societies are now embracing natural living. This is a leaning towards the use of more natural health and beauty products. It is also about using environmentally friendly household cleaning and body products for better health. Antiseptic or antibacterial soap is mainly used to keep our bodies free from harmful germs. However, recent findings have revealed the dangers of using commercial antiseptic soaps. Most recently, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) concluded in a report that there is no evidence to show that antiseptic soap is better than ordinary soap. The report went on to state that some of the ingredients used in commercial antibacterial soaps could even have harmful effects!.

Harmful ingredients contained in commercial antiseptic soap

Watch this video to learn how to make your own natural liquid soap!

Looking at the actual constitution of an antibacterial soap is important. This way, you can judge each ingredient by its merits. Some of the most harmful ingredients to find in these commercial antiseptic soaps are as follows;

  • Tetrasodium EDTA – this is an ingredient used as a preservative. It is known to enhance better penetration of the soap into the skin. The problem is that it is a known carcinogen. This harmful ingredient when used over a long period of time will certainly have a bad effect.
  • Benzyl Salicylate – according to the European Cosmetic Directive, this compound is an allergenic and causes irritation to skin. Over time, normal skin can become problematic due to this ingredient.
  • Perfume – as you already know, perfume provides the scent needed. Did you know that a single scent can be produced by up to 3,100 compounds? Many of these compounds have not been studied to determine their effects. The synthetic compounds are many times derived from petroleum which is known to have toxins that can interfere with hormonal function.
  • Saponified palm oil – sodium palmate is many times produced unethically; causing great harm to the environment. It is used in antiseptic soaps because it is cheap and readily available.

There are many other harmful ingredients to talk about including parabens and sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). With the above information, the need for chemical-free antiseptic soap arises. The good news is that you can make your very own soap at home with simple ingredients. and avoid all the harmful effects of commercial antibacterial soap.

Where do you start with homemade liquid antiseptic soap?

You start by looking at the most suitable natural ingredients to use. Go with proven options that do not have any ill effects. Keep in mind that even natural compounds can be harmful when used the wrong way. Below are the best ingredients to use;

Castile soap

This is a very popular soap that is named after the region of Castile in Spain. The soap is named after olive oil soaps that originated from the region. Castile soap is made using natural ingredients like vegetable oils. The soap is mainly made of hemp oils, coconut oil and olive oil. This soap is an excellent alternative when you are looking to eliminate harmful germs from your body. This soap is widely available in the market and can be both in liquid or a solid bar. In this article, you will learn how to create a liquid antiseptic soap at home using Castile soap as an ingredient.

Ordinary soap bars can also be used as an ingredient to create an antiseptic soap. The best ordinary soaps are the unscented ones. If you feel that you want to go 100% organic and chemical-free, there are organic soap options that you can consider. Some vegan brands are really good for making your liquid antibacterial soap at home.

Essential oils

You might be familiar with some top benefits of essential oils. You will be delighted to learn that these oils can be used to create a potent antiseptic soap at home. Below is a quick look at the best oils for this job;

Tea tree – This oil is known for its antimicrobial effects. It is able to kill harmful germs effectively without causing adverse effects when used properly.

Cinnamon leaf – The antiseptic properties of this oil are well known. It is also an anti inflammatory agent that will leave your skin feeling soothed.

Eucalyptus – This oil has been used for a long time to treat skin infections. This is because it kills germs naturally without harming your skin.

Peppermint – This oil is effective against fungus, bacteria and even viruses. All the oils above also come with a great aroma to give you some aromatherapy benefits. There are many other essential oils to use for antimicrobial purposes.


Essential oils are naturally very potent. Using them should be done carefully while using right quantities. Using carrier oils such as coconut and jojoba oils will have a better effect on your skin. Above all, use little amounts of the oils where you do not have the actual guide on the amount to use.   

Best recipes to make homemade antiseptic liquid soap

Recipe 1 – The ultimate antiseptic hand wash soap


This liquid soap is made using a host of ingredients. In this recipe, you will need several essential oils and liquid castile soap; among others. This liquid soap will not only remove germs but will leave your skin smooth and supple. It will protect sensitive skin and provide excellent scents to your delight.  

  • Half a tablespoon of almond oil
  • Four drops of lavender essential oil
  • Seven drops of tea tree essential oil
  • Three capsules of vitamin E oil
  • Quarter cup of liquid castile soap (made of olive oil)
  • Quarter cup of distilled water (purified water)

Steps to make the liquid antiseptic soap:

  • Start by pouring the distilled water into a glass jar and adding the liquid castile soap. Then, add the almond oil followed by the vitamin E oil. Puncture the capsules properly before adding.
  • When you have a consistent mix, pour the liquid soap in a suitable hand dispenser. Your antiseptic soap is now ready for use. You can use it for up to four months. This is the perfect natural and chemical-free hand wash liquid soap to have in your home. Making the soap is also very easy and cost-effective as well.  

Recipe 2 – Soap-based lemon oil hand wash

If you are looking for the easiest way to make your very own antibacterial soap at home, this is the best recipe for you. All you need is a good soap and lemon essential oil.


  • Any unscented soap bar (organic soap is 100% natural)
  • Five drops of lemon essential oil
  • Two cups of water
  • A pot
  • A grater or a food processor


  • Start by grating the soap using the cheese grater or a food processor. It should be shredded into small pieces.
  • In your pot, pour the water and allow it to boil. Then, add the shredded pieces of the soap and stir. When all the soap pieces have melted, remove the pot from the heat and allow it to cool.
  • Finally, add the drops of lemon essential oil to the liquid. It is perfectly fine to substitute another essential oil of your choice that has antiseptic properties such as lemongrass, lavender or rosemary. If you are not sure about the amount to use, a guide is that the oils should only be 2% of the entire recipe for adult use; and 1% for children.
  • Pour the final product into a desired soap dispenser and you can start using your soap. This liquid soap can be used for up to six months.

Recipe 3 – Essential oil blend antiseptic soap

This is a rich liquid soap that will do your skin so much good. You can tap into the merits of essential oils and benefits of castile soap. In this recipe, you will need fractionated coconut oil; or alternative extra-virgin coconut oil. The fractionated kind will last longer. Below is a list of the things you will need;



  • In a bowl, mix the liquid castile soap together with your coconut oil. Using a glass bowl or jar is ideal when you are making soap at home.
  • Take all the essential oils and add them to the mixture. Blend all the ingredients until they are mixed properly with a uniform consistency. An electric hand whisk will help you achieve the best results.
  • Finally, take your liquid soap and place it into a suitable dispensing bottle. Your soap is ready for use; and you can use it for about four months. This liquid foaming antiseptic soap is easy to make and will save you a lot of money.

Remember, you can play around with the ingredients as long as they are natural and suitable. Choose essential oils that work best for your needs. If you are allergic to any natural ingredient, be sure to use better alternatives. This way, you can come up with your very own recipes at home that will work.   

Where can you get natural liquid antiseptic soap?

When you are looking to buy alternative liquid antibacterial soap that is chemical-free, it is important to source from the right people. Choose trusted brands that actually produce the soap ethically for unlimited health benefits. Utama Spice is a natural aromatherapy brand that is ideal for you.

We use the purest organic ingredients to give you a liquid antiseptic soap that is effective and chemical-free. The focus is on promoting the health of your skin; and to this end, you get a gentle product that will also get rid of harmful germs effectively.

Benefits of using chemical-free liquid soap

  • For daily use, you want a product that is perfectly safe for your household. Natural oils and ingredients will not pose the same danger as chemical products. Therefore, your children can use the products to enjoy the benefits.
  • Homemade liquid soap is much cheaper than commercial options. This is a great way to save money while getting full value for the ingredients you use.
  • When you use natural products, you will be promoting a chemical-free environment. This will reduce your carbon footprint and make you a good steward of the environment around you. If every person was to take personal responsibility, the environment would not be as badly degraded as it is the case today.
  • You also promote better health and beauty. Most ingredients in the recipes above will nourish your skin and leave you feeling more beautiful and radiant. You also cut the intake of harmful toxins; maintaining your overall health.

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  1. Many hand soaps — even if they’re marketed as “organic” or “safe” or “allergen-free” — contain some nasty stuff.

  2. People need to pay more attention to what they put on and in their bodies. These products are a start to that goal.

  3. I do love this. Some hand soaps are expensive, even if they’re in small bottles.

  4. Wow I am very worried about the products my children and I use and had no idea how many chemicals are in pretty much everything I really want to try making my own products at home to be safe and to know exactly what is in them!

  5. People have been making soap for years, but most were way too strong and dudbskin damage. Lye soap anyone?

  6. I like that even though you sell the soap, you teach us how we can make it at home also. Thanks for the recipes!

  7. This sounds awesome I am wondering if you can incorporate the cinnamon leaf into the recipes

  8. I like the looks of the mint soap. I never get tired of trying new soaps .Its a bit of a thing for me where I love to try new products that might improve me in some way but its important that it be natural as possible. That said Ive always loved the way castille soap does lather up so nicely especially for using it on your feet.

  9. It’s amazing what they put into “standard products!” I want to try to make some of these soaps! I love the idea of using rose oil!

  10. I love this idea, because you can control what is in the ingredients plus it would be a fun family project.

  11. With all the nasty ingredients they put in some of our soaps, shampoos, etc this should be fun to make & give me peace of mind – while saving $ in the process!

  12. I never considered making my own soap before but this sounds so simple and I bet it smells gorgeous!

  13. Thank you. We tried making soap once before as a family but the consistency was wrong somehow. Now I see that we got the amounts wrong and will try again over Christmas with this information. The coconut oil is a great idea.

  14. With organic compounds you cant lose. Incorporate them into your everyday routine. From head to toes!

  15. This sounds far simpler than I would have thought. I’m definitely going to give soap making a try!

  16. I like the ideas here, because my skin(and nose) is very sensitive to chemicals(and chemical smells).

  17. Wow! Lots of really great info here! I switched to natural hand soaps a year ago. I especially love all the recipes for making chemical free antiseptic soap! I need to give this making my own soap a try one of these days.

  18. I am always looking for recipes and ideas for using healthy products. It has been so difficult to rid my life of chemicals.

  19. I love organic soap and essential oils. I quit using store soaps about 2 years ago. Love the simplicity of ingredients to make your own soap. Thanks for information.

  20. I have just added some info to my soap making. I will try this natural antiseptic liquid soap! Thanks

  21. Chemical free is the best way to use all household and personal products. Our bodies are overloaded with too many chemicals and free radicals. All-natural is the best.

  22. I should really try one of these. I’m trying to make the switch to greener and healthier health and beauty products.

  23. I love this and how easy it looks to make my own soap! I am definitely going to be putting some of these together and making my own!

  24. So many personal care products have been effecting my skin, scalp etc adversely it is good to have some alternatives to try. Thanks.

  25. i’ll be doing this, but only using it when necessary since antiseptic stuff creates antibiotic resistance, and i want the world to stay healthy.

  26. Good information, however I avoid the use of cinnamon oil topically as it’s way too strong (in my opinion) to use in that way.


  28. Going natural has been such a game changer for my family. No more eczema and healthier in general.

  29. I love making hand soap with essential oils. Your hand smell so good! I can’t wait to try this antiseptic one!

  30. I’ve been wanting to make soap but don’t want to buy all sorts of ingredients. This seems like an easy recipe, thanks!

  31. I didn’t realize there were so many harmful ingredients in the products that we use. Thanks for the information!

  32. The fact that commercial antibacterial soaps are dangerous for pregnant women says a lot. Turns out they can be dangerous for everyone. Thanks for the recipes!

  33. Thanks for the recipes! I think it would be fun to make my own soap and avoid the chemicals in commercially made soaps.

  34. I’ve been thinking about making my own soaps and shampoos at home to cut down on waste . The lemon oil soap doesn’t sound to difficult .

  35. Great recipes, thanks for sharing. I can’t wait to try making my own hand wash that is soft on my hands and yet anti-bacterial. amazing product ranges.

  36. Perfect! Thanks! I’ve been really into making my own soaps and household cleaners lately, so this is perfect!

  37. This is a great idea because you’ll be able to see what ingredients are used, and also you’ll save money.

  38. This recipe is great! I didnt realize there were so many chemicals in the store bought kind!

  39. really like this post! my mother used to make her own soaps whay back and can remember how nice they were! Will be trying and making my own!

  40. I am in the process of changing all of my household products to organic and chemical free. There are so many nasty additives to everything anymore and it really scary. I am always looking for a great antiseptic soap and these look great! Love tea tree and all of these oils that you are using, plus this is really simple. I will for sure be making these. Thanks!

  41. Awesome recipes! Using these products will keep some of the bad stuff out of our bodies. I haven’t tried making my own soap yet.

  42. Will try these asap! I like the idea of chemical-free cosmetics and health care in general.

  43. Making your own soap is a really good idea. You’re able to make sure that you’re using natural ingredients.

  44. Probably going to be very popular in the coming days.. like it has been already. Thanks for sharing.

  45. This is so great! Thanks for the recipe. I have a lot of essential oils but have never made my own soap!

  46. Thanks for sharing this post! I would love to try my hand at making soap, especially a peppermint scented one.

  47. I love this! Due to the Coronovirus pandemic hand soaps are hard to come by so I’ve been thinking about making my own & this information is exactly what I was looking for! Thank you for sharing!

  48. Great recipes, I should look into making my own soap. I went to the store today to get some and they were all out of hand soap.

  49. Invaluable resource .in the present climate corona virus thos will truely save lives

    Thankyou so much

  50. This article came right in time.
    STAY AT HOME, what else do we do with our spare time?

  51. I’m in the process of switching all of our soaps to some form of castile soap. Had good results with laundry detergent. Next up – hand-washing soap!

  52. I spend a lot of money on hand soap and can’t wait to start making my own!

  53. I’ve just saved your website into favourites. Thank you for sharing this detailed information. Its great to have a proper guide to make your own products which is something i’ve been trying to do for years. – well done!

  54. With the current situation in the world, I’ve found it impossible to even find antibacterial (or any) soap at the stores I’ve been to. I’m bookmarking this article and going to try making my own. Thanks for the article!

  55. Awesome recipes! These products are a step in the right direction. Haven’t tried making my own soap yet

  56. I have wanted to make my own soaps. I try to avoid the nut oils as my daughter has a nut allergy. I like that some of your recipes don’t include nut oils. I love the recipes and will look into buying some Castille soap.

  57. It’s quite unfortunate that our options are so limited in the current situation, but thank you so much for posting this because now’s the time where we are looking back on these recipes and considering turning this into part of our lifestyles!

  58. It’s so worrying that dangerous ingredients can appear in commercial products!

  59. Great article I would love to make my own soap i already use tea tree for dry skin

  60. I love these recipes. And I didn’t know where the the name for Castile soap came from!

  61. Good to know how to make your own soap. Now I just have to get the ingredients, a good way to have safe soap at home.

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