model using natural deodrant
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Reasons Why Natural Deodorant is Better For You

Daily activity or physical exercises make you sweat. This is not a problem at all because our bodies are built that way. Sweating or perspiration is the body’s way of ridding toxins and cooling you.

The problem with sweating is the body odor that rides along. Nobody wants to go through their day with stinky armpits and to this end, deodorant is a lifesaver. There are all kinds of deodorants in the market. Simply put, some are good for you while others are not.

Mainstream or conventional deodorants come loaded with synthetic ingredients; which have been proven to do more harm than good. For health-conscious people, natural deodorant is the best alternative to harmful chemicals. This article breaks down this topic and explores why using natural options is the best way to go.

What is natural deodorant?

A deodorant that is made from 100% natural ingredients is referred to as a natural deodorant. An antiperspirant that has 90% natural ingredients with additives does not qualify to be called natural. To this end, going natural with your deodorant demands that you seek 100% natural ingredients. Why is it important to choose natural alternatives as opposed to regular deodorants? The following pointers shed more light on this.

Top benefits of natural deodorant

  • Clogging up pores to prevent sweating is a bad idea

Deodorants made with synthetic chemicals as well as a host of antiperspirants work by blocking pores to prevent sweating. This action is harmful to health because your body benefits from sweating as alluded to above. Natural deodorant on the other hand does not block pores and will not interfere with the sweating process. The main reason why people use deodorant is to keep away foul smell. Understanding how this odor is formed is critical. Sweat in itself does not stink. What causes bad smell is when the sweat comes into contact with the natural bacteria on your skin. Natural deodorant has the power to act naturally to prevent foul odor even when you sweat. This allows your body to get rid of toxins and to refresh your body accordingly. This reason is enough to compel you to switch to natural deodorant.

  • Harmful chemicals in deodorants can compromise health

There are many synthetic compounds or harsh chemicals added to conventional deodorants. One good example is aluminium. This chemical and its compounds have been linked to serious diseases including breast cancer and alzheimers. Antiperspirants are used often and in this regard, the compounds find their way to the bloodstream. When this happens, hormonal imbalance can be experienced due to a surge in synthetic estrogen in the body.

girl sitting in natural outdoor environment

In addition to the above diseases, this chemical change prompted by toxins can cause infertility. It is also worth adding that when you block sweating by closing up pore, sweat is most likely to build up under the skin. More often than not, this causes skin irritation in the armpits and some people develop skin bumps. This form of irritation can only be corrected when you switch to a friendly deodorant that is all natural.

  • Mainstream deodorant can make perspiration worse

By blocking the normal function of sweating, your body loses power to deal with bad bacteria naturally. The effect is heightened foul smell in sweat. As if this is not enough, aluminium compounds trigger an acidic reaction with fabric; and this is why you suffer from unsightly sweat stains on your clothes. With natural deodorant, you don’t have to worry about these problems.

Where can you find quality natural deodorant?

Many often don’t know where to begin when they need to make the big switch. It is important to take your time to interrogate various brands. Buy a natural deodorant that you are completely sure about. Look at the ingredients and consider company reputation as well. To narrow your search, consider natural deodorant by Utama Spice. This all natural brand is known for its wonderful skincare and wellness products. Below is a quick insight into Utama Spice natural deodorant.

Hers Deodorant by Utama Spice

hers deodorant

This is a feminine deodorant that has been formulated with all natural and pure ingredients. It taps into the absorbing power of arrow root and the odor fighting prowess of essential oils. To manage perspiration, the natural deodorant is enriched with baking soda. This rich product is therefore made using a host of ingredients that include arrow root powder, grape seed oil, cananga flower oil, rose geranium flower oil, fennel fruit oil, patchouli leaf oil, bergamot peel oil, benzoin gum extract, ginger root oil, nutmeg seed oil, lemongrass leaf oil; the list goes on. There are absolutely no synthetic ingredients used in this product. Essential oils like rosemary, lemon and fennel fight odor naturally by getting rid of bad bacteria. This natural deodorant is also free from harmful aluminum and is completely safe for pregnant and lactating mothers. The essential oils also create the most pleasant cocktail of scents to keep you fresh all day. It is perfectly safe to use this natural deodorant twice a day. This is the perfect treat after a shower or a bath.  

His Deodorant by Utama Spice

his deodorant

This is the perfect natural deodorant for a man who is looking to stay cool and fresh. Just like the product described above, this deodorant does not contain any synthetic components. It employs essential oils to fight bacteria that cause odors. Furthermore, it is completely free from aluminium. This masculine natural deodorant is made using grape seed oil, lemon peel oil, rosemary leaf oil, lavender oil, arrowroot powder; among others. It is a rich formulation that gives you full confidence when used once or twice a day. The wonderful aroma it emits also keeps your spirit lifted all day long.   


Switching to natural deodorant is easy and convenient. Utama Spice products are not only available in the market; but they are highly affordable as well. Top notch quality is what you can expect from this brand and when you go natural, you will save yourself from a host of health problems.

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  1. I haven’t found a natural brand that I like quite yet, but I am willing to check more out.

  2. I believe in using natural deodorant because the ingredients in other deodorants can cause Cancer and finding natural deodorants that keep you from dangerous ingredients

  3. I’d like to try the Hers version to see how it compares to what I’m using now. Thanks for posting!

  4. I had no idea my deodorant could actually be making me sweat more. I may have to give a natural deodorant a try.

  5. I have been using natural deodorant for the past year and it definitely seems to agree with my skin more than other deodorants. I’d be really interested in trying the Utama spice one, I love rosemary and lemon.

  6. I usually rotate when it comes to natural deodorants, and hope to find one that stops the rotation!

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