15 essential oils that will renew your hair naturally header

15 Essential Oils That Will Renew Your Hair Naturally

Whether you are looking to revitalize damaged hair, add shine or strengthen your hair, essential oils have you covered. These natural oils are known to have wonderful properties that work to transform the overall health and look of your hair. If you have never considered essential oils for your hair, this post is for you. Learn about the top oils for hair care and what they do for your crown and scalp.

Essential oils are effective with few or no side effects, and there are ones to suit you no matter your hair type. Adding essential oils to your hair care regime at least twice a week will give you the most attractive healthy hair naturally.

So, what are the top essential oils for your hair?

Lavender essential oil

Lavender is certainly one of the best oils for your hair. It comes with many benefits that include balancing your scalp sebum production, promoting blood flow to the scalp and increasing the rate of hair growth. It is also a potent hair moisturizer that powerfully conditions your hair. If you have issues like dandruff, this is a natural remedy that works.

Helichrysum essential oil

This little-known oil has its roots in the Mediterranean. It has been used by natives for a very long time thanks to its healing properties. This oil has the power to rejuvenate your skin including your scalp. This leads to better blood circulation resulting in faster and healthier growth of hair. It also controls the production of sebum in the scalp to ensure that issues of dryness are kept at bay. This oil can be blended with oils like rosemary and lavender for the ultimate effect. Just use four drops of each oil together with a preferred carrier oil. Leave for not more than two hours and wash with a mild shampoo.

Patchouli essential oil

This oil has been a staple in places like the Philippines, India and Indonesia. The goodness of patchouli cannot be overstated. With its antiseptic and anti inflammatory properties, this oil treats a myriad of skin problems. It works to prevent dandruff while moisturizing your scalp. You can effectively prevent premature hair loss using this oil. Blend the oil with rosemary and argan or coconut oil for best results. Two drops of patchouli oil should be mixed with five drops of rosemary oil. Leave the blend in your hair for not more than two hours. Rinse with a mild shampoo.

Carrot seed essential oil

This is an oil with a woodsy aroma that is subtle. It is derived from wild carrots that are native to the northern part of Europe. This oil has excellent properties that regulate hormones and nourish your skin naturally. Above all, it is known for boosting hair growth through deep stimulation, and has been used for many years to deliver these benefits and more.

Using it as a blend will give you better hair results. Just add four drops of the oil to four tablespoons of coconut oil base. Then, add four drops of frankincense oil and two drops of rose oil. This powerful blend when used twice a week will boost your hair from within.

Clary sage essential oil

This oil has a nutty appeal together with a musky scent. It comes with countless uses that stem from its phytoestrogen content. If you are showing signs of premature balding, this is a good solution. The oil triggers hair growth and adds shine while preventing dandruff. If you have trouble with frizzy hair, this oil works great to manage the curls. You can use this oil with coconut oil for excellent results. Ten drops of clary sage oil and two tablespoons of coconut oil are ideal. You can also use jojoba oil as a carrier oil. However, avoid this oil while pregnant as it may induce contractions!.

Peppermint essential oil

If you have used this oil, you must have noticed that it is very pungent. As a hybrid of watermint and spearmint, this oil comes with a great cooling minty aroma. It works by promoting blood flow to rejuvenate hair follicles naturally. It stimulates the growth of hair and prevents scalp dryness. Just like other essential oils, blending this oil will give you best results. Blend five drops of peppermint oil with five drops of lavender oil. Add coconut oil as a carrier and enjoy a cooling head massage. Leave for about thirty minutes before washing off with a mild soap.

Vetivert essential oil

This oil is extracted from vetiver grass which is native to Nepal and India. It is an oil that has an earthy aroma with some woody overtones. For hair health, the oil is best seen to prevent hair loss and to bolster the hair follicles. If you are prone to premature balding and graying, this oil will help reduce these effects naturally. It works to prevent the damage caused by free-radicals.

Thyme essential oil

This oil is derived from a herb that has many culinary uses. The benefits go on because the oil can spark hair growth by increasing blood flow to the scalp. This revitalizing effect will see hair start to growth faster and in a healthy manner.

It is important to look for the right thyme oil for best results. Avoid red thyme and choose thyme linalool. This is to avoid possible irritation of the skin. This is one of the most potent oils; and using it should be done with caution. Always dilute with a carrier oil. Blending with lavender and extra virgin coconut oil will create a good mix for your hair. Use two drops of each oil and massage it to the scalp. Leave for about twenty minutes and rinse off with shampoo.

Chamomile essential oil

Did you know that chamomile is a hybrid word that means ground apple in Greek? Indeed, this oil is derived from a herb that grows low on the ground. The scent has apple undertones and has an overall soft fragrance.

Chamomile comes in two main types – German and Roman. For a better effect on the hair, Roman chamomile is the preferred option. It works to condition your hair naturally while adding shine. It also protects your hair from environmental elements. You can tackle issues like dandruff effectively using this oil. Blending three drops of this oil with two tablespoons of jojoba oil will give you a good mix. The good thing is that you can leave this oil in your hair without rinsing off because it is not greasy.

Cypress essential oil

Derived from the cypress tree, this oil is loaded with many benefits. It is used in formulas that boost hair growth. Because if its ability to spark circulation of blood and to strengthen hair follicles, this oil is truly a great addition to your natural hair care routine. The best blends for this oil include manuka, orange and jojoba oils. Just mix four drops of each essential oil together with four tablespoons of jojoba base oil. This mix will boost hair growth and add the needed length in a healthy way.

Lemon essential oil

If you suffer from scalp acne, you may have trouble growing hair in the affected spots. To solve this problem, lemon oil is ideal. It balances out the sebum on your scalp and works to deter microbes that may cause dandruff. This oil is derived from the peel of the lemon fruit. It is a zesty and fruity oil that is refreshing to the body and mind. Enjoy the clarifying benefits of this oil. Blend the oil with jojoba carrier oil for best results. Five drops of lemon oil and two tablespoons of jojoba oil are enough. After massaging your scalp and hair, leave for two hours before washing with a mild shampoo.

Tea tree essential oil

Known for its cleansing properties, this oil works to get rid of microbes effectively. It is great for the healthy development of hair follicles. This will in turn boost hair growth. You can add tea tree oil in your shampoo or conditioner for daily use. You can also mix with a carrier oil for a weekly treatment. Three drops of tea tree oil with two tablespoons of carrier oil are ideal for the blend. Leave for only fifteen minutes before washing with a gentle shampoo. Be cautious when using this oil because it is phototoxic. It can also irritate your skin when used undiluted.

Rosemary essential oil

A study done on this oil proved that it is effective against hair loss. It also promotes hair growth owing to its abilities for cellular regeneration. It reduces itching on scalp and allows your hair to thicken as needed. A few drops of rosemary oil can be used with coconut oil as a blend. After ten minutes, wash off the oils and do this once every week.

Ylang ylang essential oil

If you have dry hair, this oil is ideal for you. Dryness of the scalp will cause your hair to be weak and brittle. To this end, this oil will soften your scalp and hair by stimulating the production of sebum. In addition to boosting oil production for dry scalp, the oil will reduce hair breakage and improve the texture of hair. Two tablespoons of a carrier oil together with about five drops of ylang ylang oil will do the trick. Leaving for thirty minutes is enough before washing it out.

Horsetail plant essential oil

This is another awesome oil that will improve your hair health. It contains silica which is associated with faster hair growth and hair strength. The oil also works to counter dryness and dandruff. Two drops of this oil together with two tablespoons of carrier oil will certainly help you. Just leave the oil in for about ten minutes before washing off with a mild shampoo.

Safety measures when using essential oils for hair care

As you know, essential oils are highly potent. This just means that they are concentrated with natural compounds. To this end, using these oils the wrong way can have adverse effects. Below are a few top points regarding the safe use of these oils.

  • First, always use the right oils for your hair. Read and get all the information necessary to understand what an oil does. If you have oily hair for example, you may want to avoid an oil that triggers sebum production on the scalp. Do not just pick the first oil you find; some due diligence will help you find a suitable oil.
  • Never use higher doses than recommended. Some people will use the right amount but with the wrong frequency. Using oils too many times than needed can affect you negatively. Most of the oils above will work well and you do not have to use more than the drops recommended. When your scalp is irritated, hair growth will be affected negatively.
  • If you have a chronic condition or are using medications, it is always wise to speak to your healthcare provider first. Drug interaction can cause secondary problems. Some health conditions can be made worse by these oils. Therefore, if you have high blood pressure or any other kind of health condition, seek medical advice first.
  • If you are pregnant or lactating, it is best to avoid all essential oils. This is unless your doctor advises you to go ahead with an oil that will have more merits than downsides. Many oils, a good example being rosemary oil should not be used during pregnancy.
  • Before using the oils, do a patch test on your skin to see whether you are allergic to the oil. This is the only sure way to find out. A test can be done on a section of your facial skin for more accurate results.
  • If you are not sure about DIY recipes of essential oils at home, buy a natural product that is ready to use. This will help you avoid making mistakes which can be costly. Utama Spice natural aromatherapy products are blended perfectly to give you the best results. They are completely pure and raw; making them ideal for your daily natural hair care and beauty routine.

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  1. Lavender oil can speed up hair growth. It also has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. And it smells good!

    1. Wow. Loads of information here. I intend to use this and find how to help the African hair be a lot manageable. Thanks a lot

  2. I love the difference types of essential oils. There’s always something for everyone.

  3. Well, I love peppermint, so I’d definitely give that a try. Goodness knows, my hair needs help.

  4. I’ve just recently noticed how damaged my hair really is and I feel like I’m losing much more than I should at my age of 36, I’d love to try the lavender hair oil or any of these natural products to help get my hair back to how it used to be!

  5. The chamomile essential is something i would try I am dealing with dandruff and the over the counter products I pay so much for and doesn’t combat it that well.

  6. I currently add tea tree oil to my shampoo and conditioner and love it. I am excited to try some of the other oils too.

  7. Wow! I had never heard of using these – only apple cider vinegar. Thank you for the info!

  8. My hair has recently gotten where the top layer is frizzy compared to rest, so I’m going to definitely try some of these oils out to see if it will help.

  9. I have very long hair that is fine and easily breaks off so I am constantly trying to find oils, shampoo, conditioner, and masks to keep it healthy

  10. I found this post very informative. I’m looking for something to help with not only my hair but my daughters hair as well. Alot of these essential oils I had never heard of and will definitely be interested in getting some.

  11. I’m going to have to check some of these out. I’ve tried different oils in the past, but my hair still ends up frizzy and broken. I would love to find something that is actually smoothing!

  12. I’m 38 and my hair is starting to thin.. I’m going to try the Clary Sage and lavender for the next couple weeks, and see what happens..

    Side note: My wife burned her finger badly on the stove.. I took some legit Lavender oil, put in on her burn, and wrapped and bandaged it.. Next day, no pain, no blister, hardly any wound to speak of.. and today, 3-4 weeks later.. No scarring.(this isn’t advice, just a report from personal experience).

  13. Ive heard tea tree oil is also a detorant for head lice? I always struggle to find the right shampoo for my hair…especially as i am getting older…the same products i used to use no longer work for me hair and scalp…time for a change i suppose!

  14. I never realized there were so many different uses for essential oils, I will absolutely using these for my scalp.

  15. Good advice for essential oils. I love lavender and lemon best. I have about 30 essential oils in my possession and intend to get others once I know how to use. I use a different combo each time to make spray mist for using as a calming effect for sleep.

  16. I’ve been using some of them, but I never knew how to use some others.
    thanks for making it so clear.

  17. I learned some things I didn’t know but am glad I do now. I will be saving this and using it.

  18. I’ve never heard about using essential oils on hair. I bet my hair would smell so good with so many of these options though.

  19. I don’t like to smell like a coconut and lavender gives me an asthma attack but I love patchouli

  20. Wow! I had no idea that essential oils are so good for hair! Now I know! I need to incorporate essential oils in my regular hair care routine.

  21. This information is a dream come true if they all work! I also did not know carrot seed was a thing. I wonder how much the cost for these products compare to common personal care already used.

  22. Very interesting! I now need to make a blend for my hair which is very fine and falling out like mad.

  23. Wow that’s cool information! I definitely learned some new tricks for hair and skin care. I’ve been researching natural products to help my dandruff and skin problems and this info would definitely help!

  24. Thank you for providing a well-detailed helpful guide. I have searched for ways to grow my hair. You have given us a place to get such things that are not like those chemicals that hurt more than help. Thank you!

  25. I did not know the benefits of these essential oils for hair health. Thank you for the info.

  26. It would great too see someone use it so I could witness this amazing transformation of their hair.

  27. It would great too see someone use it so I could witness this amazing transformation of their hair.

  28. I’d definitely would need to try the Lavendar oil. My hair is very thin on top due to my Thyroid issues or lack of. Also, I love the spell of Patchouli!

  29. I find that i get itchy scalp in the winter, and sometimes (perhaps strangely) if i eat anything with a vinegary hot sauce, my scalp starts to itch. Is there an essential oil i can use topically to treat these symptoms?

  30. My daughter uses a natural shampoo with tea tree oil. I am going to tell her about the benefits of Patchouli essential oil too!

  31. I knew about some of the benefits of Helichrysum essential oil but never thought about it for hair.

  32. Very interesting I never new that many of these oils were good for you hair thank you for an amazing article

  33. I would love to try essential oils in my hair . I dye my hair and it is hard to keep it healthy . I’ve tried many products but none work that great .

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